By car (from Finale Ligure’s train station FF SS): you take the national road Aurelia (Strada Statale 1) in the direction of Savona for 1,6 Km until the fork with the SP8 (Via Calvisio, before the tunnel). Continue along this way to reach the square “Piazza Abbazia” on your right hand side. You can park there.

Duration: 3 h        Length: 10,2 Km        Elevation gain: 280 m

Trail mark: red triangle

The trail is well signaled and easily walkable.

Starting from the square “Piazza Abbazia” you go up “Via Asilo” until the junction with the bigger paved road (SP45). Follow this road, overstep the first bend and then walk for about other 50 m and take the narrow trail on your left side that goes up the hill and leads to the locality “Monte” where you will be able to enjoy a fantastic view over the valley of Finalpia, over the mount Caprazoppa and over the coastline.

At the end of the trail you are going to bump into a paved road: follow this road to the little Church of “Sant’Antonio” and take the narrow street on your left side that goes uphill through the houses.

Keep following this trail for about 1 Km to reach an important fork: if you go straight on, you are going to arrive to Verzi; if you turn right (that’s our way) you are going to reach the plateau of Manie (Altopiano delle Manie) in 700 m. Once arrived to the “Altopiano” you are going to have to follow the paved road SP45 for about 1,4 Km to arrive to an abandoned Church. Here you turn left and you keep following the narrow paved road to reach a little bridge and the little Church of “San Giacomo”. You have now to turn left and to go on for about 300 m until you arrive into a large square. Here, check your left side to see the trail that leads to the cave “Arma delle Manie”.

Turn around and follow back your steps to get back to the starting point and the car.


(Come scaricare tracce GPS).

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